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Kingdom of the Wicked: A Bewitching Tale of Sin and Magic

Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco

Welcome to a world where magic and mystery intertwine in Kerri Maniscalco's 'Kingdom of the Wicked.' Released on October 27, 2020, this audiobook, narrated by Marisa Calin, promises an immersive experience in historical fantasy. The story revolves around two sisters, witches Emilia and Vittoria, in 19th century Sicily. When Vittoria is brutally murdered, Emilia embarks on a dangerous journey to seek vengeance, teaming up with Wrath, one of the Wicked—princes of Hell. This book blends dark fantasy with paranormal romance, capturing the reader's imagination with the Seven Deadly Sins personified. But does it cast a spell of excellence, or is it merely an incantation of overhyped tropes? Let's delve into the mystical realms of 'Kingdom of the Wicked' and find out!


    First Impressions of the Wicked

    From the moment you hit play on 'Kingdom of the Wicked,' you're drawn into a richly atmospheric world. The opening scenes are laden with gothic allure, setting the stage for a dark and twisted tale. Marisa Calin’s narration is instantly engaging, her voice adding a layer of depth to the already intricate storytelling. The design of the book cover, with its hauntingly beautiful artwork, hints at the sinister yet enchanting story within. The initial introduction to the characters, particularly the sisters Emilia and Vittoria, is compelling. Emilia's grief and determination are palpable, creating an immediate connection with the listener. The first encounter with Wrath is equally striking, his dangerous allure and mysterious motives setting the tone for a thrilling, if slightly ominous, adventure. Overall, the first impression is one of high anticipation and intrigue, promising a narrative that is as darkly enchanting as it is emotionally gripping.

    The Mystique of Magic and Witchcraft

    'Kingdom of the Wicked' delves deep into the realm of witchcraft, portraying it with both reverence and a touch of fear. The magical elements are richly described, from spell casting to the use of enchanted objects, creating a vivid tapestry of the supernatural. The rituals and incantations are steeped in historical context, adding an authentic feel to the narrative. This feature stands out by balancing the fantastical with the believable, drawing readers into a world where magic feels both wondrous and dangerously real.

    The Allure of the Seven Deadly Sins

    A unique and captivating aspect of the story is the personification of the Seven Deadly Sins, embodied by the Wicked princes. Each character, particularly Wrath, is intricately developed, their personalities and powers reflecting their respective sins. This creative take adds depth and intrigue, offering a fresh perspective on these age-old concepts. Comparisons to other fantasy works highlight the originality of Maniscalco's approach, setting 'Kingdom of the Wicked' apart in the genre. The interplay between Emilia and Wrath, filled with tension and mutual distrust, further enriches the narrative.

    Emilia's Journey of Vengeance

    The protagonist, Emilia, embarks on a transformative journey driven by grief and a thirst for revenge. Her character development is one of the book's strongest points, depicting her evolution from a sheltered witch to a determined avenger. This journey is fraught with danger and moral dilemmas, making her a relatable and complex character. The exploration of her grief and the lengths she will go to for justice add emotional depth, resonating with readers on a personal level.

    Historical Sicily: A Vivid Backdrop

    Set in 19th century Sicily, the historical and cultural setting of 'Kingdom of the Wicked' is meticulously crafted. Maniscalco's descriptions of the landscapes, architecture, and societal norms of the time provide a rich and immersive backdrop. This historical context enhances the fantasy elements, grounding them in a real-world setting that feels both exotic and familiar. The attention to detail in depicting the time period adds authenticity, making the world-building one of the book's standout features.

    Narration by Marisa Calin

    The audiobook version of 'Kingdom of the Wicked' benefits greatly from Marisa Calin's narration. Her performance brings the characters to life, capturing their emotions and personalities with nuance. The pacing of her reading matches the story's rhythm, maintaining engagement throughout the 12-hour listening experience. Calin's ability to differentiate between characters through voice modulation adds an extra layer of immersion, making the audiobook a recommended medium for experiencing the story.

    Who Will Be Enchanted by This Tale

    'Kingdom of the Wicked' is ideally suited for fans of dark fantasy and paranormal romance, particularly those in the teen and young adult demographic. Readers who enjoy stories of witches, magical realms, and historical settings will find much to love. The book's themes of vengeance, grief, and moral ambiguity appeal to those who appreciate complex character arcs and emotionally driven narratives. However, those looking for a straightforward romance might find the lack of a resolved love story disappointing. Additionally, readers who prefer fast-paced action may find the book's pacing a bit slow at times. Overall, it's a perfect pick for fans of atmospheric, character-driven fantasy.

    What Readers Are Saying

    The reception of 'Kingdom of the Wicked' has been largely positive, with readers praising its captivating plot and strong character development. Many appreciate the unique take on the Seven Deadly Sins and the richly detailed world-building. Emilia's character arc, from grieving sister to vengeful witch, resonates deeply with readers, adding emotional weight to the story.

    Common critiques include pacing issues, with some finding the story's progression slow, especially in the first half. There are also mentions of plot holes and complexities in the world placement that can be confusing. The romance aspect has divided opinions; while some enjoy the slow-burn tension between Emilia and Wrath, others feel it lacks fulfillment.

    Testimonials highlight the book's addictive nature, with many readers eagerly anticipating the sequel. The audiobook version, narrated by Marisa Calin, receives high praise for enhancing the immersive experience. Despite its flaws, 'Kingdom of the Wicked' has carved out a loyal fanbase, thanks to its intriguing premise and engaging characters.


    • Captivating plot
    • Strong character development
    • Engaging world-building
    • Unique take on the Seven Deadly Sins

    Possible Downsides:

    • Pacing issues
    • Some plot holes
    • Unfulfilled romance expectations
    • Complexities in world placement

    Our Verdict

    Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco gets a rating of 4.4 out of 5.

    If you're drawn to dark, atmospheric fantasy with richly developed characters and a touch of historical intrigue, 'Kingdom of the Wicked' is a must-read. Ideal for fans of witchcraft and morally complex narratives.

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    • Sarah is our dedicated in-house product researcher. Based in the bustling city of Chicago, she works from the comfort of her home, where she skillfully balances her professional responsibilities with her role as a wife, mother of two energetic kids and a loving dog owner.
